The Activated Constellation of
Transformation & Healing for Personal & Planetary Peace
A Program to Upshift Your Mission & Purpose
Join me in this 7-session online program starting to discover & activate your mission & purpose to be in service to others.
Build your natural resilience in the midst of so much challenge & hardship in the world.
Develop strong energetic & interpersonal boundaries with crystalline & Light Body visualizations.
Embrace & deepen your gifts of intuition, empathy, and spiritual insight.
Heal triggers from old trauma so you stand in your circle of sovereignty in whatever you do.
Keep your vibration clear with powerful meditations, visualizations, ceremonies, rituals, & tools.
Use everything you learn with the clients & communities you serve.
Understand what it means to love when there are so many spreading fear, hatred & violence.
Build a place of safety & home within that is unshakeable.
It's time to act hip & do something healing for yourself & the world!
The 7 Starpaths of
Activated Constellation of Transformation & Healing for Personal & Planetary Peace (ACTHP)
form a powerful pathway to step into your complete creative empowerment as together through our own healing & spiritual exploration, we contribute to building a Great Wave of Peace worldwide.
Starpath 1: Nourishing the Whole Self
It is absolutely necessary to nourish yourself even when to be resilient in these times of challenge.
Dismantle the myth that you must suffer as much as others around the world and that you should live in scarcity.
Learn ancient & modern technologies for self-reflection, meditation and restoration of your body, mind and emotions.
Build abundant inner and outer resources to maintain personal resilience in the midst of strife and stress so that you can live joyfully no matter what is going on around you.
Starpath 4: Restoring Meaning & Purpose
Delve into how your personal wounding points to and expands your understanding of your mission in life.
Anchor into your personal authenticity at the heart of which is arises your purpose in service.
Explore the deeper meaning in the journey of your life that leads you into service to others in hard places.
Harness and regain passion for your creative, spiritual and/or professional work.
Learn how every action for good in the world is building a higher destiny line for humanity into future peace.
Access luminous tools for feeding the fires of inspiration and hope, even as you encounter suffering within and around you.
Starpath 2: Mapping Trauma to Transformation
Trauma is multidimensional in its impacts--body, mind/emotions, soul & spirit, as well as individual and collective, personal and ancestral.
With everything going on in the world today, you are as subject to the dialectic of trauma as if you were living in a war zone.
Examine and unwind the ways your personal woundings from the past intersect with events in the world on an archetypal and dimensional level so you have greater inner freedom int he midst of situations of harm.
Learn a holographic map of trauma to better understand and navigate the effects on you and to find your way to transformation.
Starpath 5: Anchoring in Spirituality
Bring with confidence and joy your unique faith or view to a Great Table of Compassion--atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Indigenous/Native, Muslim, Taoist or simply "spiritual" (or any philosophy/way) to forge and maintain hope and strength in the midst of challenge.
Forge a deeper understanding of what spirituality means to you and if/how it helps you maintain resilience and purpose. Dismantle hopelessness, skepticism and negative beliefs into a more expansive, transcendent view of life and events unfolding around the world.
Bring the sacred into your personal version of activism and service, no matter if it is a prayer or action in the outer world.
Starpath 3: Harnessing Healing Technologies
Everyone deep down wants to do more than cope after trauma, but to heal their wounds.
There is a powerful potential for personal, community and global transformation deep within the hardest places.
Learn contemporary and ancient technologies and natural pathways to heal yourself and others.
Step into a more expansive inner space so you can hold and do more.
Welcome in the power of love within, through and around traumatic places, events and processes as an activated healing force.
Starpath 6: Peacemaking in Every Moment
Grow and expand into to a core place of inner peace even when things are hard.
Transmute and heal fear and anxiety into a refuge of safety within.
Touch into a resonant vibration of peace that is unbreakable and eternal within the matrix of the planet.
Embrace the truth that peace is truly the human way.
Dance fluidly on a map from trauma to peace with every breath you breathe.
Breathe the Breath of Love-Light into pain and challenge moment to moment.
Develop a personal sacred space of power so you can create and maintain a healing presence in the midst of suffering.
Starpath 7: Joining Caring Community
Join a community of caring folks to find support, comfort and inspiration.
Take refuge in safe space to grow your vision and mission in service.
Act hip and do something great for yourself and others.