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The Gravity of Mother Earth is Love

Writer's picture: Rachel Mann PhDRachel Mann PhD

“Beloved, beloved Pachamama, mamakita, la Tierra Madre, Mat’ Zemlya, our great cosmic Earth Mother, oh, how much we love you!”

-A multicultural prayer to Mother Earth


I love to pray to Mother Earth in many languages when I do shamanic energy healings and as part of the mystical teachings and ceremony I offer as part of Awakened Heart Shamanism  The fact that many peoples around the world use the word “mama” or “Mother” for the Earth is a testament to what human communities have always known: She is fully conscious, infused with Spirit, life force and energy. Without the ground of her back, the flow of her waters, the food she provides, and the air in her atmosphere, we would not have life.  But even more than this, without the gravity of her love, we would not have the potential to be whole and healed.

Therefore, I call the heart of my spiritual life and work “Mother Earth mysticism.”  The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines mysticism as “direct communion with ultimate reality.”  Mystics through time in many spiritual and religious traditions are those who seek to connect with what is called God by some or what I prefer to describe as an all-encompassing and profound Spirit within, through and around All That Is. Mother Earth is one amazing manifestation of this Living Universal Consciousness.


Within this great, multidimensional, holographic matrix of realities, is a vast, constantly moving, dynamic, creative energy, the very fabric of which is love.  At any moment, we can tap into this greater reality and know ourselves as far more than just a human being struggling for survival in the physical dimension. We can know ourselves as both soul and spirit.

I have many experiences from the time I was a child of sweet, beautiful and even sometimes extraordinary experiences triggered by something as simple as the appearance of a hawk, the beauty of a mountain view or a walk across a frozen river to a medieval church in Russia. In my spiritual practice, spanning 45 years, I have been influenced by Buddhism, Native American spirituality, shamanism, and esoteric Christianity. 

Yet, as in the shamanic way, Mother Earth mysticism is my doorway into this greater, loving matrix on behalf of my healing and spiritual enlightenment and the healing and enlightenment of my clients and students.  We all have bountiful assistance: animal allies, plants, stones, and other children of Mother Earth who offer themselves as guides and helpers.  Sometimes I consciously seek an experience of direct communion with All That Is, with my Spirit Guides and teachers in the non-physical, or to go into the Lower World on behalf of a client to do wound extraction and soul retrieval to heal the pain of trauma. Or I travel to the Upper World to be shown a map of my highest destiny or that of a client’s.  Or simply to soak in the Light of All.

Over 10 years, I gathered groups together for classes on Awakened Heart Shamanism in ceremony and spirit. We built, prayed, and danced to life 5 beautiful Earth Wheels made of stone, much like the famous Big Horn medicine wheel in Wyoming.  These wheels, dreamed into being by our collective love for Mother Earth, are conscious, alive beings through whom we can connect deeply with Her love and the love and generosity of All Her Children-- furred, feathered, scaled, or shelled, two- or four-footed, winging, walking or creeping, the plant, mineral, stone, and soil people, and the many other beings invisible to our naked eyes with whom we share our beautiful Earth Mother. 

One afternoon, after singing, drumming and dancing the in the Earth Wheel for 2 days, we looked up in the sky and saw a spiral cloud formation over it. Inside the spiral was a small cloud in the form of a heart! It was such a wonderful confirmation of the aliveness of the world and of the positive impact of our spiritual work, dances and prayers! 


Many years ago, my Cherokee teacher, Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo said to her class that her grandmother reincarnated as a planet and enjoined us to imagine how great her love must be to become the mother of so many beings on such a large scale!  I was dumbfounded by the idea. If we can reincarnate as a human being, so we can incarnate in any conscious, living form! It was a powerful testament to the truth that everything is conscious and alive—that Mother Earth is a loving, wise presence whose greatest desire is to support her children in all their diversity of forms, bar none.

May we all aspire to becoming a planet!


How important, therefore, is this practice of Mother Earth Mysticism for the healing of all of us and the world! No matter where we go in these times, She and her children, including we human beings, have been and are still being torn apart and ravaged by violence, war and exploitation. Our millennia long separation from our natural, human communion with Mother Earth and relegating God to a white-haired man in some hard-to-reach heaven has led us to believe we, with our physical bodies, are separate from the rest of Creation and that the planet is just inanimate soil and stone.  How sad Mother Earth has been for us and herself!

I am here to tell you, therefore, that when we pray to Mother Earth—Pachamama, La Tierra Madre, Mat’ Zemlya—She Who Goes by Many Names in Many Tongues, we come into a deep connection with All That Is, and ultimately, with our deepest self.  When we meditate, pray with all the love in our heart, and seek out energy healing to clean our energy and become a hollow bone, we are committing to ending violence in our hearts and minds.   When we do ceremony and ask our sisters and brothers, the tree and plant people, the stone people, the winged, feathered, furred and shelled, two- and four-footed, to lead us into the center of the great cosmic Spirit within and through All, we become greater and deeper in our own being. 

In the end, we feel the profound gravity of love of Mother Earth and touch into our human birthright to enlightenment in form.



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Rachel Mann PhD lives & works out of her home in Alexandria, VA

She is also available to work with clients via Zoom and phone. 

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